Tuesday, July 19, 2011

day 21: a faceless self portrait

I feel naked when I'm not wearing jewelry. I wish I was classy and only wore real stuff but paste and glass is sparkly and it makes me smile. Remember the other day when I mentioned the necklace I picked up on clearance at Target? This is it. I've been having fun making fortune cookie pins the past few days. I'll unveil them soon. They are sparkly and fun, but I doubt I'll vere wear them. They are a little too beyond. Here is my favorite collage I ever made. The background is a Klimt poster I found by the dumpster one morning while walking my dogs.
The collage features a lot of fortune cookie messages because they're good for a giggle. This is my favorite part of the collage, it's like the angels are rolling their eyes at the Lichenstein print. Funny.
The girl is saying, "Why Brad Darling, this painting is a masterpiece! My, soon you'll have all of New York clamoring for your work!" Tomorrow's my day off. I'm trying to decide where I should go for my artist date. Maybe if I get really good at my art New York will be clamoring for my work. It could happen.
Until next time...

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